Conventional x-rays create trash and toxic chemical-waste that the dental office is left to dispose of.
Dental practitioners are responsible by law to handle the disposal safely.
The chemical fixers and lead foils from x-ray processes have to go somewhere, which often means public sewer systems.
Health Risks of X-Ray Fixer Solutions
Traditional x-ray fixers contain chemicals such as Ammonium Thiocyanate and Boric anhydride.These chemicals are known to be skin, eye and respiratory tract irritants, and hazardous if ingested or inhaled. They also may be toxic to the blood, thyroid, kidneys and liver, and repeated or prolonged exposure can produce target organ damage.
The EDA estimates US dental offices dispose 48 million lead foils each year.
Another by-product of traditional x-rays is lead foils. In the environment, lead waste is held in the topsoil, where it can remain for as long as 2000 years. It is readily picked up by plants, and enters our food system. Lead is a deadly neurotoxin.
Despite the multiple environmental and human-health threats posed by traditional x-rays, only 60% of dental offices in the US have eliminated these materials from their practice by switching to digital imaging.
The EDA estimates US dental offices dispose 48 million lead foils each year.
Another by-product of traditional x-rays is lead foils. In the environment, lead waste is held in the topsoil, where it can remain for as long as 2000 years. It is readily picked up by plants, and enters our food system. Lead is a deadly neurotoxin.
Despite the multiple environmental and human-health threats posed by traditional x-rays, only 60% of dental offices in the US have eliminated these materials from their practice by switching to digital imaging.